
Vote in the Governance using vMUDOL which can be obtained by staking $MUDOL2.

◆ Governance Vote Preparation

① [Setup Voting]

Setup Voting is required only once in order to vote.

◆ Governance Page

① [Proposals]

The list of Proposals registered in the Governance.

② [Filter]

You can select the filter depending on the status.

③ [Proposal Register Number]

Shows the number of registered Proposals.

④ [Participation]

You can check the participation status of the corresponding Proposal. (Participating / Not Participating)

⑤ [Status]

Shows the status of the Proposal. (Ready) / (On-Going) / (Cancel) / (Passed)

⑥ [Title and Period]

Shows the Title and Period of the Proposal.

⑦ [Total Voting Power]

Shows the status of the total Voting Power of the listed Proposals.

⑧ My Voting Power

You can check your vote status and the number of vMUDOL, and you can Setup to use your vMUDOL as Voting Power through “Get Started”.

◆ Proposal Page

By selecting on a Proposal, you can see the detailed window.

① [Proposal Register Number]

Shows the number of registered Proposals.

② [Participation]

You can check the participation status of the corresponding Proposal. (Participating / Not Participating)

③ [Status]

Shows the status of the Proposal. (Ready) / (On-Going) / (Cancel) / (Passed)

④ [Proposal Information]

Shows the Title, Information, and the corresponding Proposal. You can vote by pressing the vote button.

⑤ [Proposal History]

Shows the start of the vote, end of the vote, and the vote application period of the Proposal.

Last updated